Thursday, April 14, 2011

Smile and the world smiles with you :-D

OK so my last post was a little on the sassy side. However I feel that everything I said needed to be said! Some people just don't know when to stop. Life is too short to hold grudges and be angry or upset or even feel hate! It's SOOOO not worth it.


Life if CRAZY busy right now and will be until May 7th!! (graduation) 24 days! I can't believe it! These four years have seriously FLOWN by. This morning I went to breakfast with two amazingly beautiful young women before our Modern dance class. I was early to the class for the first time..... EVER! haha I was awake and energized and had a great class! Doing some laundry and waiting for Ballet class which... we'll see how that goes. My hip is VERY sore and I'm nervous that it's going to be difficult to do almost anything. After Ballet I have Musical Theater Ensemble where I have a very strong feeling that we're going to be singing/dancing to the song "One" from A Chorus Line yet AGAIN. We've been working on this one number since January and we only just finished it! whatever though it's one class that I actually look forward to going to, mostly because of one person in the class that I've had a crush on since last September. I recently told him how I feel about him.... and the next day he broke up with his boyfriend. Not FOR me, but because they were going to be ending anyways. He hasn't really been the same after they broke up though. Any time I've seen him recently he looks up with a distraught look on his face and keeps walking without saying anything. Today, however I saw him and waved and he actually waved back with a little smirk. It's not much but it almost made my day. I hate seeing not just him but anyone upset or sad. It's such a draining emotion that we all really could just do without no matter how inhuman that would be. Like I said above, Life is just too short to feel those feelings.

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” ~Maria Robinson

It's so true! Anybody can have a bad day, but it's up to each of us to make the decision of how we will let the day end. I heard once that if you go and find a mirror and no matter how miserable you are feeling, if you smile at yourself you will immediately feel better. BOY is that true. It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. As a dance major, I work my muscles enough and could use a break, so smiles here I come!!!

Today is sunny and is almost 60 degrees. It's finally getting warm out. I've really just had such an awesome morning, and have the mindset to have a such a great day that I want everyone to be as happy as I am right now.

“To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.”

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Back Again...with some SASS

Okey dokey,

So I know that I haven't posted in a LONG time however I've been VERY busy between being in the spring musical of "The Producers" at school and also being in the dance company and TRYING to attend those rehearsals. AND THEN two different friends asked me to be in their dances for a class that they are in so I've had their rehearsals to go to after everybody elses rehearsals/shows. Then on top of that I've had to do homework and study for tests and write papers and prepare for graduation in a month... UGH my life!

BUT let's be real, I wouldn't have it any other way. I feel like I need a HARDCORE nap and then I could go back to work and do what I have to do. However that is beyond unrealistic and won't happen so I just need to suck it up.

On another note, there are people in my life that I'm am literally counting down the days until I never HAVE to see them again. Personally, I feel that if you don't like someone, FINE that's your choice. However, if you don't like them, why bring them up constantly and talk shit about them and call them names. If you don't like them you don't have to like them, but keep your big fat fucking mouth SHUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm personally sick of hearing it. I'm not perfect and I've definately said things about people that I regret and that I shouldn't have said. But I realize that what I've said in the past isn't OK either and don't want to hear negative thoughts from people because those thoughts put me in a bad place that I want nothing to do with. It sucks the life and energy out of me. Considering that I barely have enough energy to do what I need to do anyways, Negativitey is beyond UNNEEDED!!!!!!!!!!!! All I have to say to these people (mostly actually one person in general who shall remain nameless) is, "Thank You." I say thank you to this person because if it hadn't been for them and having to deal with all of their evil, bitchy, negative comments and actions, I wouldn't have the thick skin that I do. So thanks, and I hope karma hits you hard. ;-)

That being said I'm gonna sign off for tonight. Hopefully I will write again soon to continue my life updates! :-)