Tuesday, March 27, 2012



on Thursday, March 8th, I woke up to a phone call from Universal Studios (FINALLY) offering me a job apart of their Superstar Parade. OBVIOUSLY, I accepted and was then told that rehearsals started that following Sunday. I said, "Okay, see you Sunday!" Technically, I couldn't start on Sunday because their HR didn't open until Monday when I could get some paperwork done as a pre-hire and get into rehearsals immediately. However, I then spent the rest of that Thursday packing up my things, calling my then current job and telling them I wouldn't be coming back, packed up the car, and left at Midnight with my Mother to drive down to Orlando.

That was an experience. Driving the Jersey Turnpike, SUCKS!!!! When we got to Virginia, we found out from my aunt that my cousin and his wife were going into labor that day, so we decided that we would go and visit them. It was great seeing them. Haven't seen them I don't think since my grandmother died 6 years ago. We made it to the south end of North Carolina within the first 24 hours of driving. We pulled off to find something to eat and realized that we were just done. Found a hotel, had something to eat, and then passed OUT!

Day 2 of Driving was less stressful. Mom drove most of the day. I drove almost all of Day 1 so it was nice to just sit in the passenger seat, read and sleep! When we drove by the "Welcome to Florida" sign, that's when it hit me that I was really moving away. After the past YEAR of talking about it, I was finally doing it. I really feel like a legitimate adult. Weird! When did that happen?!?! That night we stayed with my Grandmother at her best friend Vi's house. The next morning we drove to Orlando and started looking for somewhere to live.

Day 1 of being in Orlando, had no luck finding an apartment.

Day 2- Still no luck. However, that evening was my first rehearsal and I was an entire day behind everyone else. I had to learn everything that they learned the night before and what they learned that night in one night. Almost happened.

I learned everything in 2 days that took them 3 to learn! SHAZAM! I really want this full time contract. I'm on a Casual contract as of right now, but hopefully that will change.

flash forward 3 weeks. I'm now living in a house with a friend and it's just temporary. I've met some really amazing people already while being down here and I'm so thankful for them. However, we're on a "break" right now from rehearsals and it's become 3 times harder to see everyone. I'm getting a little tired of being by myself. Luckily, I'm going to see some people tomorrow night because I've been called to come back and learn other guys tracks. (which majority of us have already been doing) Just need some more friend interaction.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tired of waiting tables... TIME FOR A CAREER!!!!

So a few weeks ago, I went and auditioned for Universal Studios Orlando for their brand new show that they are putting together. I thought that I did rather well. I made it through the audition to the point that they took my measurements for a costume and told us that we should receive a phone call if we got the job in 3-6 weeks.

It's now been 3 weeks, they've already started making phone calls and I've still yet to hear anything. I need this job more than they know. More than ANYBODY knows. I've been working at a restaurant called Hearth n' Kettle since the end of September and initially it was great. However in the past couple of Months I've been really bad about being there for my shifts on time and it's been going down hill. I've been "spoken to" about it and I didn't take it as a joke. I do live about a 20min. drive from work and need to take the highway to get there. However, I live on Cape Cod after all and it's full of old people and white trash dumb a$$'s that get on the road and have no clue which is the accelerator and which is the brake. Conveniently, I always seem to end up behind them.

My cousin is a senior musical theater major at Boston Conservatory and he is directing a musical for a project and asked me to be his choreographer for the show. Of course, I was thrilled to say yes. We've been rehearsing for the past month and a half and tonight we open. Last night, however, we were in the theater for our one and only tech/dress rehearsal in the space before we open. The main girl that I've been working with in the dance numbers last night was practicing a lift with some of the boys and came down wrong and rolled her ankle... It wasn't broken and I'm sure she'll be OK to perform but it was still stressful. After they took her to the hospital to get it checked out, we tried to finish lighting the rest of the show since we couldn't do a run of the show without her. That had me leaving Boston at around 12:30 and getting me home around 2 to then have to get up at 7, try and get gas (should've done it last night, I know) and get to work for 8.

Pulled into my work parking lot at 8am and walked into the building at 8:03am to then be told not to punch in because I'm "always late for every shift" and that I need to go home. That I'll be spoken to on Wednesday when I work next about it. Obviously, all of that thrilled me!!

Basically, where I'm going with this rant is that I have not wanted to be at Hearth n Kettle since November/December when I found out about the audition for Universal. Next week I'm on the schedule to work twice, Wednesday and Thursday 7-3.... yes let's put the guy who already has difficulty being on time at 7am!!! Good call management!!!! I'm not annoyed with the girl who told me that I had to go home because I know that she was just doing her job. However, I'm annoyed with the fact that I haven't heard from Universal Studios yet.

I've recently been thinking about moving down to Florida even if I don't get the job at Universal, and this morning has confirmed my decision. I need to go somewhere where I have the opportunity to be performing and dancing and doing what I payed $32,000 a year at college to do. Waiting tables was a job. Hearth n' Kettle was a JOB. Performing, dancing, acting, singing, is my Career. Not a hobby. A Career.

Dear God, or whatever the hell is up there,
PLEASE!? I don't just want this job at Universal. I need it. I need it more than anyone realizes. Please... it's not even funny anymore.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Me from A-Z

Ambition: I want to Perform (sing, dance, act) in a Musical Theater production every night and go home to my own beautifuly furbished apartment.

Bad Habit: I procrastinate the HELL out of stuff

City: Born in Bridgewater, MA. Lived in Brockton, MA till age of 6. Moved to Dennis, MA and lived there for 16 years. Lived in Franklin, MA for college. Want to live in California, NYC, Boston at somepoint in my life. Want to travel to the world.

Drink: Apple Juice. Loved it since I was born.

Education: Bachelor of Arts Degree in Dance from Dean College

Food: Velveeta Mac and Cheese, Cool Ranch Doritos. WEAKNESS

Guilty Pleasure: Television, when I have time for it.

Hometown: Dennis, MA on good ol' Cape Cod. Lived there for MAJORITY of my life

Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Chunky Monkey, Amercone Dream

Jonesing For: money

Kryptonite: the internet

Shit that brings me down: Ignorance

Look-A-Like: apparently I look like Demetri Martin but with a smaller nose.

Movie: Practical Magic (I'm so lame)

Nickname: DJ, Deej, Didje, D

Obsession: Performing

Perfume/Cologne: Coolwater is my favorite, but I like a lot of different kinds

Quirk: I touch the tip of my nose rather often, and I look at an imaginary watch also

Regret: no regrets, Mistakes were DEFINATLY made, but I like to think that I try to learn from my mistakes.

Starbucks: Skinny Iced Caramel Machiatto. But I'd rather Dunkin Donuts.

Thrift Find of the Year: I'm not THAT gay

University: ummm Already said..... Dean College

Vacation: Disney World... Always and everytime

Wine: Riesling or a white zinfindel

X: marks the spot?

Years: 22 (still weird)

Zen: Karma SERIOUSLY is a bitch. Watch what you say and do, because it will come back and bite you. Do what you will, but harm none!!

"Entering ADULTHOOD in point zero miles"

So going to College prepares you for training in what you want to do with your career. However, there is no course on how to become an Adult. How to deal with relationship games and how to recover from them. How to WISELY spend and save your money. Life after school is never what you hoped or expected it to be. It sucks actually. At first, that is. I think that coming to the realization that you don't have a clue what you're doing, is the first step. The second step, I'll let you know when I figure it out.

Going back to the visit and see a performance at the college I went to was fun. However, being there for more than a twenty-four hours made me realize, I don't belong there anymore. My time there came and went and it TRULY is time for me to move on with my life. Find a relationship with myself and with others that simply makes me feel better about myself and my life. Negativity really has no place in my life. I'm still very young, being only twenty-two years old. (weird) But foolish mind games and procrastination has no place in an adult mind/life. It's time to grow up and be around other Adults. I'm no longer a college kid. I'm a College Graduate and slowly but surely, becoming an "Adult."

When I think of the phrase, "coming of age," I think of teenagers entering into that "Adult feeling." Recent implementations have allowed me to come to the conclusion that "coming of age" is at the point, when you completely realize that you are no longer in any form of "childhood" or heading INTO "adulthood." It's when you are in the drivers seat, have already passed the "Welcome to Adulthood" sign and are now one of the integral components in the abounding population.

To quote Eric Mathews from Boy Meets World, "Life sucks. Get a helmet."

...And with that, I take my leave.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Life, Easier said than done.

L- Learn from your mistakes. They are inevitable and will happen so take there lessons and apply it.
I- Ignore what people say or think about you. Yes people will judge you, but as long as YOU are happy with yourself, YOU feel beautiful, YOU can smile everyday, say, "I Love myself" everyday and mean it, Nothing else matters.
F- Feel for others. YOU should be your number one priority, but never lose sight of the people around you and what they do for you. It's because of them that you are who you are.
E- Eat. Whatever. You. Want. Stay healthy and exercise regularly, but never feel guilty about a craving.

LIFE- if only it were that simple.

It's so weird not being at school. I recently got a twitter (@DJKostka1) and this morning I tweeted, "This day and time last year, I was productive and sweating in a Nai class. Now I'm laying in bed thinking about what to do with my life..." it's weird not being in school. Not having a set schedule or somewhere that I HAVE to be. It also sucks even more that I don't really have a job anymore. I did... and apparently what my boss was looking for was someone to fill a management position. Apparently she saw that in me during my interview, but when working there 3 separate times, she decided that I wasn't quite right for the position. (wa waaa) SO, now I'm hunting for a new job. However, that's not as simple as I was hoping it would be.

I've been rather sad lately. I'm going through that transition of no longer being a college student. Of needing to become an adult. It's kind of a depression. Well, I've successfully completed the first step right? Admitting I have a problem? OK.... well now what?

I've had a one year plan since Graduation.
1. Get a Job
2. Save as much Money as I can.
3. Move out of my Parents house/ get my own apartment.
4. Dance/ continue doing what I love.

Only down side is that I've recently realized something else needs to be factored in, College bills. That changes the plans a bit.

I don't know what I really want anymore. I thought for the longest time that I knew EXACTLY what I wanted... and recently, that all changed. I want to dance. I want my own place. I want to perform. I want to have a set schedule. I want to be on my own. But I'm tired of being alone. I'm tired of making plans that don't follow through. I'm tired of wanting what I can't have. I'm really just tired.

Inspiration is a hard thing to come by and I could seriously use a swift kick, push, shove, step in the right direction. I understand that life is hard. But can't something just be easy for once? Just one time? That's all I ask...

I'll let you know if that happens ever...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

talking in circles to get inspired...

Okey dokey
So just over a week ago, I went to an audition for a dance company called Urbanity. They were auditioning people for three different things. 1. the paying company itself. 2. A non-paying group called Urbanity Underground which is the next best thing next to the company, and 3. an apprenticeship  for dancers 16-21 y/o. Well, two days ago, I got an Email asking me to join Urbanity Underground!!!!! According to their website, they choose 1 in 5 dancers for this program. there were about 42 dancers at the audition and I am one of the dancers that they chose for UU.  I'm very excited however there is a slight catch. In order to obtain all of the specialities that come with this program, there is a $58 monthly fee. That wouldn't be a problem if I already had a job! BUT I don't. see my problem?

Well, today I got a phone call from this "magical gift shop" that I applied to asking me to set up an interview. I didn't know the number so I didn't answer it and they left me a message saying that I need to call either tomorrow or Thursday to set up the interview on either Friday or Monday. ALSO, about a week ago, I went to the bar with some friends and ran into a girl I went to High school with who is the Head Hostess at a rather nice restaurant about 20 min from me. She said that she's in charge of the hiring-firing of Hosts and Hostesses there and that if I'm looking for a job that I should hit her up. I doubt it will pay A LOT but it's money and that's seriously what I need in order for my plan to move out of my parents house to start.

I have this  plan that in a years time, I will be living in my own place, have a "job" either performing, or being able to perform with a paying job on the side, and hopefully be in Boston. Basically, getting my life together now that I'm a college graduate. So far, the performance opportunity has been presented to me and I have a few job prospects. I feel bad because my parents have SERIOUSLY been up my A$$ and all I do is yell at them. I know they're just trying to help, but what I think they forget is that I'm not just their child anymore. I'm an adult and that if I need help, I will ask for it. I know that's sounds kind of dickish but it's the truth. They act like I'm not aware that sitting at home doing nothing and having nowhere to be is unacceptable. The last thing I want to do is sit around on my ass with nothing to do and nowhere to go.

I've also come to the realization that when it comes to relationships, I'm TERRIBLE. I want to be in one and have that lovey dovey stuff, but the second I get that, I want to be alone and be able to do my own thing and it's completly understandable right? I mean after all, I am only 22 years old ( in 6 days.) I don't NEED to be in a relationship right now, especially since I don't have anything to offer just yet. I have no job and no money to even DO anything with. Honestly, I think/ I KNOW my biggest problem is that I have NO motivation. My parents yelling at me and me wanting to get the f*ck away from them is not all together enough. This is literally the hardest life transition I've ever had to face. I've been a student for so long that I don't know how to be anything else but unfortunatly, I don't have any other choice. I hate being as unorganized as I am. I wish that I was OCD and had a set list of what I need to do everyday of my life.

Actually, the more I'm writing this down and thinking about it, the more I'm comming to the realization that because I didn't come home from school and get a job immediatly, I've become accustomed to being lazy and not having a life. This is my life and who I am right now is NOT who I want to be. (inspired by Switchfoot) "Yesterday is dead and over." There is no more yesterday, it's just a memory and if all I do is think about what I did as opposed to what I'm about to and going to do, then I'm inhibiting myself and I have only myself to blame for a lack of success and busyness. It's up to me to continue to exist, otherwise I'm just gonna continue to sit on my ass, watch "Wizards of Waverly Place" and get fat. That is, of course, if my parents don't kick me out. OK then!

Rather than continue bitching and feeling sorry for myself, I'm gonna sign off now, get my shit together and go to the gym. If the membership is already paid for, I might as well use it. Don't let her see this but, my mother was right. It will at least give me something to do to leave the house. Ugh I hate it when she's right.

Hasta for now!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Catching Up With DJ

Hey there!

So I haven't written in a while so I'll catch you up.

The last time I wrote, I had just returned from New York. Well since then, I was in the Dennis Rec. Program Dance Recital as a guest artist. I did a "Vogue/hip hop" number to "Blow" by Ke$ha. It went rather well I'd say. I don't think the audience QUITE knew how to take it. It's one thing to see on "So You Think You Can Dance" but a complete other thing to see live on stage on Cape Cod for that matter. I had rave review about it though so that's cool! It was fun!

Well after that, I just kinda had been focusing on being on the South Beach Diet with my Mom. My starting weight (I'm not ashamed to admit) was 200lbs. I was having the hardest time getting under 200. The first phase of South Beach is to cut out carbs and fruit and dairy and stuff. It's a complete DETOX!!! It sucked! I was hangry for 90% of that time period. However I dropped a lot of weight! I'm currently in the upper 180's which I haven't actually seen I don't think since I was a Freshman in College maybe even in High school!!! I'm now in Phase 2 and am working towards getting to 175! Once I hit my "Goal Weight" I can enter phase 3 once I hit that goal weight. At least in phase 2, I can have fruit and Yogurt and shtuff again. That was the hardest part. not having it I mean.

Well. ANYWHODLE! off that subject! I recently went to New York again for another Disney Audition. I didn't get the job or even a call back! I don't understand WHAT it was that they were looking for that day, but I was def. better than almost ALL of the guys in my group and I still got cut! Whatever! I don't really wanna talk about that again. That same night of the audition however, a friend of mine took me to Times Square and we went to see A Normal Heart, the new Broadway play that won a couple awards. It was AMAZING!!! and that, my friends, is an understatement! Conveniently that same weekend I went to New York, was Pride Weekend. I honestly had NO idea! Also New York FINALLY legalized Gay Marriage. I was at Second on Second singing Karaoke for the first time when I got a text from a friend of mine telling me the great news!!!! It was a great weekend! Apart from what I did out and about in the city, I had been thinking a lot, about pretty much everything. Where I 'm going with my life, where I wanna move, how do I get the funds to do what I want to do, etc...

To be honest, I'm still thinking about all of those things and I'm getting closer to my decisions. I'm not quite there yet, but I'm much closer.

When I got home from New York, I just slept in and hung around the house. The following evening, I received a text from my friend, Chris, asking me if I wanted to be an extra in Adam Sandler's new movie. I WAS SOOO DOWN!!! I'd never done extra work before and was all for it! I drove to Franklin that night and stayed with Chris while shooting. There were 8 of us going up to work on the movie. The first day (Wednesday) was LONG. We arrived at 11am. Our call  wasn't until 12:30pm but w/e we were there early and just hung out in the Extras holding room. We met some other guys that were pretty chill and hung out with them for several hours. One of the guys from our group ended up being picked to go to the set in the mid afternoon. We were all stoked for him but were of course jealous that he got picked and the rest of us had to just wait around some more. At around 11pm, the whole lot of us got picked in a group to go down to the set. We were waiting outside, when one of the crew members came out and picked ME and one of the guys we made friends with, to go inside and have an "entrance" into the club. We were there until like 3am which was AWESOME! The next day (Thursday) I had to go back before all the rest of the guys in my group to finish shooting from the night before. I was having soooooooo much fun, I couldn't even handle it! Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, Ciara, Will Forte, Milo Ventimaglia.... Just SOME of the people I saw while there. By the end of the second day, I found out that all of the other guys were no longer needed and that I had to come back on Friday to Finish shooting!!!!! Friday I was there from about 1:30pm- 6am the next morning!! It was a LONG day, but I loved every second of it!!! I didn't get a SAG waver but it's really ok because I had such a great experience!!!

I'm making a to DO list of what I need to do by this time next year. Lets hope that I can figure it all out and get started on the rest of my life! Here's hoping!