Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tired of waiting tables... TIME FOR A CAREER!!!!

So a few weeks ago, I went and auditioned for Universal Studios Orlando for their brand new show that they are putting together. I thought that I did rather well. I made it through the audition to the point that they took my measurements for a costume and told us that we should receive a phone call if we got the job in 3-6 weeks.

It's now been 3 weeks, they've already started making phone calls and I've still yet to hear anything. I need this job more than they know. More than ANYBODY knows. I've been working at a restaurant called Hearth n' Kettle since the end of September and initially it was great. However in the past couple of Months I've been really bad about being there for my shifts on time and it's been going down hill. I've been "spoken to" about it and I didn't take it as a joke. I do live about a 20min. drive from work and need to take the highway to get there. However, I live on Cape Cod after all and it's full of old people and white trash dumb a$$'s that get on the road and have no clue which is the accelerator and which is the brake. Conveniently, I always seem to end up behind them.

My cousin is a senior musical theater major at Boston Conservatory and he is directing a musical for a project and asked me to be his choreographer for the show. Of course, I was thrilled to say yes. We've been rehearsing for the past month and a half and tonight we open. Last night, however, we were in the theater for our one and only tech/dress rehearsal in the space before we open. The main girl that I've been working with in the dance numbers last night was practicing a lift with some of the boys and came down wrong and rolled her ankle... It wasn't broken and I'm sure she'll be OK to perform but it was still stressful. After they took her to the hospital to get it checked out, we tried to finish lighting the rest of the show since we couldn't do a run of the show without her. That had me leaving Boston at around 12:30 and getting me home around 2 to then have to get up at 7, try and get gas (should've done it last night, I know) and get to work for 8.

Pulled into my work parking lot at 8am and walked into the building at 8:03am to then be told not to punch in because I'm "always late for every shift" and that I need to go home. That I'll be spoken to on Wednesday when I work next about it. Obviously, all of that thrilled me!!

Basically, where I'm going with this rant is that I have not wanted to be at Hearth n Kettle since November/December when I found out about the audition for Universal. Next week I'm on the schedule to work twice, Wednesday and Thursday 7-3.... yes let's put the guy who already has difficulty being on time at 7am!!! Good call management!!!! I'm not annoyed with the girl who told me that I had to go home because I know that she was just doing her job. However, I'm annoyed with the fact that I haven't heard from Universal Studios yet.

I've recently been thinking about moving down to Florida even if I don't get the job at Universal, and this morning has confirmed my decision. I need to go somewhere where I have the opportunity to be performing and dancing and doing what I payed $32,000 a year at college to do. Waiting tables was a job. Hearth n' Kettle was a JOB. Performing, dancing, acting, singing, is my Career. Not a hobby. A Career.

Dear God, or whatever the hell is up there,
PLEASE!? I don't just want this job at Universal. I need it. I need it more than anyone realizes. Please... it's not even funny anymore.

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